मुलगी शिकली, प्रगती झाली
- Women are the most important section of the society and equally
participate in the life existence on the earth. However, regular
decrease in the sex ratio of female in India because of the crimes
against women, it has created the fear of total finish of women. So, it
is very necessary to save girl child in order to maintain the ratio of
women in India. It has been a most important topic as a social awareness
in the Indian society which youths of the country must know about. In
order to enhance the writing skill and knowledge of the students,
teachers assign them this topic to write only paragraph or complete
essay in the classroom, during exam or any competition organized for the
essay writing. Following essay on save girl child are especially
written for the students.
- Girls are equally as important as boys in the
- society to maintain the social equilibrium.
- Few years ago, there was huge
- reduction in the
number of women
- in comparison to the man.
- It was so because of the
- crimes against women such as
- female foeticide, dowry deaths,
rape, poverty,
- illiteracy, gender discrimination and many more.